Baby kicks on facebook!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Face book is all pervasive,latest hot news is that now a would-be mom can share the kicks of her child to all her friends across the globe via face book.Isn't it interesting ,just imagine the thrill one would have sharing such a intimate experience.The Kickbee belt was developed by PhD student Corey Menscher, of New York University after his wife became pregnant.

It uses sensors to track the movement of the fetus in the womb that will allow expectant mothers to automatically post daily progress reports of their child on the Internet.It sends a signal to a computer every time the baby moves, with a message such as: "I kicked mummy at 11.38am.".The sensors on the belt generate a small electrical current when tapped or vibrated by a baby's movement.

The microcontroller in the belt transmits the signal directly to the website using wireless Bluetooth technology.


Sumeet said...

Put it through stumble or digg.. And message me..

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